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Keynotes and seminars by Steve Sawyer

Keynotes & Seminars

Steve’s keynote presentations are unique, energetic, and passionate with an integration of modern science and research, metaphor, experiential experiences, participant engagement, humanistic stories of growth and healing, and applicable action. He aims to capture every audience’s inner resilience and ignite it. His seminars include often include profound measurements of human stress responses that are pictures worth a thousand words, and he customizes his message to directly impact every audience.

Steve’s Keynote Conference Presentations


 Addiction & Resilience 

Shame - The Land Between Living & Dying

 Igniting Resilience During Challenging Times 



Man at the top of a mountain

A Story About Trauma, Post-Traumatic Growth, and Spirituality 

Lessons from the Mountain

An Evening with the Masters

Five Lessons from the Trauma Guru's

An Evening with the Masters

Runner on the shoreline

Athletes, Shame & Dope


Purple Skies

Steve's training effectively explores the complexities and adaptations of humans as social beings. Using real life examples and evidence-based research, he highlights how humans find connection or disconnection at our deepest emotional, cognitive, and interpersonal levels. He challenges us to consider new ways of approaching trauma-based work, inviting a fresh perspective on the topic. Our team learned so much!

Thanks again, looking forward to the next keynote!

Shelly Ohlms - Colusa-Glenn-Trinity Community Action Partnership

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